Euphorbia tithymaloides has a large number of household names used by gardeners and the public. To keep this plant healthy, use a commercial cactus mix or prepare your own potting soil mixture. In some regions, you’ll discover additional common names. Devil’s Backbone Plant Info: How To Grow The Devil’s Backbone Plant Indoors. If you have a bright spot, it's a wonderfully easy-to-grow houseplant, purifying the air and adding a dose of drama to indoor decor. You’ll notice that the white sap on the branches starts to dry. In an effort to describe the blooms, devil’s backbone has been called red bird flower, Persian lady slipper, and Japanese poinsettia. The plant is a member of the spurge family. Other than pinching, plants need no particular grooming tasks. When the plant is still maturing, its leaves may not grow in very thick. Devil's backbone earned its common names because the interesting pattern the stems make as they grow. Unchecked plants may get up to 5 feet (1.5 m.) in height. October-MarchDevil’s backbone plant rests during winter, water sparingly, do not fertilize. It makes a superb houseplant with its 2-foot (0.5 m.) tall stems, alternate leaves and colorful “flowers” which are actually bracts or modified leaves. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Growing the plant is easy and propagation even simpler. The flowers are small, don’t last long, and do not produce a scent. Stop fertilizing near the end of July. Use unglazed pots, which allow excess moisture to freely evaporate and prevent wet root damage. High light refers only to bright indirect light since direct sun often burns the leaves of indoor houseplants. Containers that have a chevron or zigzag design can also be wonderfully effective for showing it off as they highlight the stems' interesting shapes. Devil's Backbone Questions? Make sure that the cuttings are about three to four inches long. A cactus mix doesn’t contain the nutrients the plant needs. You can propagate the backbone Pedilanthus plant from cuttings. The plant is a member of the spurge family. It can tolerate low light for extended periods, but eventually leans toward the light and gets lanky, becoming unattractive (so we don't recommend it for low light). As far a diseases go, the Devil’s backbone plant is prone to powdery mildew. The orangish-red flowers grow from the tips of the stems on small, slipper-shaped bracts. In warmer areas, grow Pedilanthus as a potted plant to bring something different to your yard. Here are a few tips on caring for this unique plant. By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. If you have questions about this easy houseplant, just send an email to our experts! Once it's watered properly again, the leaf dropping typically stops. How To Grow Pencil Cactus. section of the stem from the plant. The thick branches and stems have a zig-zag pattern and produce small, oval-shaped leaves with pointed tips. Choose a draft free location in the home when growing Pedilanthus indoors. However, regular potting soil is fine, and you shouldn’t need to repot after plants take root. Allow the cuttings to dry for several hours. You can easily pull the plant from its container, shake the clumps of dirt free from around the roots, and place it in the new pot. Just cut a 4- to 6-inch (10-15 cm.) You only need one leaf on each cutting, so you should be able to take as many cuttings as you want. August-SeptemberSlow down on watering as Jacob’s ladder prepares for its winter rest. If you click this link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no additional cost to you. [source]. Pruning devil's backbone isn't necessary, nor is fertilizing. Despite its common name, devil's backbackbone (also called zigzag plant) is a joy to grow. By entering your email address you agree to receive a daily email newsletter from Plant Care Today. It can survive extended periods without water, but it tends to drop its lower leaves if it goes without water too long. Care should be exercised when handling the plant. © 2020 Costa Farms, LLC. Use moist sand and perlite for the soil. It can thrive indoors at room temperature if kept it in a humid area. But you can fertilize it a couple of times per year if you want it to grow faster. Perfect time to start new plants from cuttings. The plant blooms in the summer. Water devil's backbone when the soil starts to dry. Scale insects are the only pests to worry about. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Growing the plant is easy and propagation even simpler. The recommended growing zone is USDA hardiness zone 9 – 11. The Devil’s Backbone plant is a shrub and may eventually reach three to four feet in height. As the plant matures, it can become quite bushy. Besides the Devil’s Backbone plant, it’s commonly called: That’s just part of the list. Devil’s backbone produces small slipper-shaped flowers, where the Latin name Pedilanthus (“Slipper Flower”) comes from. Check out more low-water houseplant options. It grows at a medium rate and may take several years to mature. Devil’s backbone boasts a stem that “zigzags” at about 1-inch intervals, with leaves alternating on each side of the nodes. The plant produces the best growth with a once per month fertilizer solution diluted by half. Plants grown indoors rarely bloom but are prized for their beautiful form and colorful foliage. Provide this succulent plant with plenty of sunlight. The devil's backbone plant or devil's spine plant (Euphorbia tithymaloides or Pedilanthus tithymaloides) earned its common name with the irregular, zig-zag lines of its stems, which resemble a … You may also want to add a little bit of peat moss to help absorb excess water. The plant is native to the American tropics but only hardy in USDA zones 9 and 10. Devil's backbone is a dramatic upright houseplant that looks beautiful in a tall, upright planter to accent its shape. Care should be exercised when handling the plant. Years ago I was given a cutting from a very old Devil's Backbone plant. Care of devil’s backbone babies is the same as the adult plants. 21800 SW 162ND Ave. Miami, Florida 33170 |  (800) 327-7074 The leaves are lance shaped and thick on wiry stems. If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the plant is getting too much sunlight. The Devil’s Backbone plant is a shrub and may eventually reach three to four feet in height. If you have a bright spot, it's a wonderfully easy-to-grow houseplant, purifying the air and adding a dose of drama to indoor decor. Peters Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer, 8-Ounce, How To Grow The Crown of Thorns plant (Euphorbia milii), What Is A Firestick Plant? Repot your plant every three to five years or as needed in a rich houseplant mix with plenty of sand mixed in to increase drainage. Devil’s backbone houseplant likes bright indirect sunlight. There are numerous fun and descriptive names for the devil’s backbone houseplant. I stuck the cutting in … Look for partial shade to partial sun. So are we! You can also place the ends of the cuttings in boiling water to help the milky sap dry faster. The thick branches and stems have a zig-zag pattern and produce small, oval-shaped leaves with pointed tips. Devil's backbone can take direct sun on its leaves indoors, and with enough light, you might even get to enjoy pink or bronze tones to the foliage. Let the cut end callus for a few days and then insert it into a pot filled with perlite. From spring to the middle of summer, add a liquid fertilizer when watering every three to four weeks. Decorate for Halloween by carving out a pumpkin and popping in a mum. Devil's Backbone can be grown as a landscape plant in frost-free areas where it develops into a shrub from 6-8' (2-2.5m) and produces small red flowers. Devil’s backbone houseplant does not need to be fed in the dormant seasons of fall and winter. April-MayBegin to water more and starting feeding every 3-4 weeks. Check out more low-water houseplant options! As the plant matures, it can become quite bushy. Whatever you call it, learn how to grow the devil’s backbone plant for unique and easy to care for indoor flora. It doesn’t tolerate cold breezes, which can kill off the tips of the growth. It grows best in an area receiving sun throughout the day without direct sunlight. In cooler regions, the devil’s backbone grows best in a bright window or a greenhouse. Hi, Your plant is called a Devil’s Backbone (Pedilanthus tithymaloides). What Is Bacillus Thuringiensis, How Do You Use It In The Garden? By Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. Note: Devil's backbone is not intended for human or animal consumption. No devil’s backbone plant info would be complete without noting that the milky sap may be poisonous to some people. Among them are redbird flower, devil's-backbone, redbird cactus, Jewbush, buck-thorn, cimora misha, Christmas candle, fiddle flower, ipecacuahana, Jacob's ladder, Japanese poinsettia, Jew's slipper, milk-hedge, myrtle-leaved spurge, Padus-leaved clipper plant, red slipper spurge, slipper flower, slipper plant, slipper spurge, timora misha, and zig-zag plant. The plant should be repotted every two to three years in a well-drained soil mix. Devil's backbone is a fun houseplant for a medium to bright spot. Descriptive monikers for the foliage include rick rack plant and Jacob’s ladder. How to Grow the Devil’s Backbone Plant. Provide as much bright light as possible. Devil's backbone holds up to dry conditions well, so it'll survive if you forget to water it every now and again (or can't water it due to travel or other busy schedules). It’s a tropical plant needing a combination of sunlight and moisture. When transplanting, get the new pot ready first. If temperatures get below 40° degrees Fahrenheit during the winter, move the plant indoors. Devil's Backbone Plant Features Despite its common name, devil's backbackbone (also called zigzag plant) is a joy to grow. Plant in direct sun in fall and winter, but give it a little protection from stinging hot rays in spring and summer. For a bushy plant, pinch out the tips of the plant occasionally. Wipe them off with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol. Read more articles about Devil’s Backbone Plants. The Devils backbone now calls the below Euphorbias “cousin”: No matter what scientific name used, it also goes by many different common names. Lady Slipper Care: How To Grow Lady Slipper Orchids, Growing Jacob's Ladder - How To Grow And Plant Jacob's Ladder, Types Of Poinsettia Plants: Choosing Different Poinsettia Varieties, Old-Fashioned Shrubs – Memorable Bushes For Old-Time Gardens, Cardboard Potato Planter – Planting Potatoes In A Cardboard Box, Downspout Garden Planters – Plant A Rain Gutter Container Garden, What Is Photosynthesis: Chlorophyll And Photosynthesis For Kids, What Are Conifers: Growing Conifers In The Garden Landscape, Euphorbia Crown Of Thorns Growing: Learn About Crown Of Thorns Houseplant Care, Preserving Plants: Learn How To Dry Flowers And Foliage, U-Pick Farms – Harvesting Healthy Food And Memories, Homesteading Ways: An Unforgettable Homestead Experience, Gardening Know How Sponsorship Winner: West Genesee High School ECOS Club. Passionate about plants? Devil's backbone is one of the easier houseplants when it comes to humidity; low humidity is fine, as are average and high humidity levels. While it’s still often called the Pedilanthus tithymaloides, the Pedilanthus genus has been merged into the Euphorbia genus, giving it the name “Euphorbia tithymaloides.”.

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