The title of the movie alludes to this important theme. Starr feels deep belonging with her family, and while they do not always see eye-to-eye, she knows she can rely on them when the going gets tough. Starr feels pulled between her Garden Heights self and Williamson Prep self, and she switches her speech, mannerisms, and behaviors to fit whichever circumstance she finds herself in. The Carters are a tight-knit group, often sharing family meals, holding each other accountable, and sharing warm laughs. Eventually, after he has shown up enough times and insisted to Starr that he loves and sees her for who she is, Starr accepts his love and they embark on a loyal and meaningful relationship. “You don’t have to worry about me getting information out of you.”, Read the Study Guide for The Hate U Give (2018 film)…, View Wikipedia Entries for The Hate U Give (2018 film)…. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Hate U Give, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Hate, according to the movie, is a dead end that ruins everyone's lives. This quote alludes to the fact that the hate black youth experience from white society only creates a cycle of hate, which is the structural motor for why black Americans get caught up in systems of violence and crime. The Hate U Give: What talk did Starr get at nine years old? The Hate U Give (2018 film) study guide contains a biography of George Tillman Jr., literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Race is central to the story that The Hate U Give tells. The Hate U Giveexplores the relationship between race and identity as Starr struggles to navigate the primarily black world of Garden Heights and the primarily white world of Williamson Prep. The tension that Starr feels between Garden Heights and Wiliamson Prep is due to differences in wealth and in race. The title refers to Tupac's anagram for "Thug Life": "The hate you give little infants fucks everybody." After Khalil’s shooting, Starr is reluctant to speak about his death for fear that her friends, Hailey and Maya, and boyfriend, Chri… On the other hand, she attends Williamson and dates an affluent white boy, and so integrates herself into the prep school life. GradeSaver "The Hate U Give (2018 film) Themes". One of the more heartbreaking things about Khalil's death on a personal level for Starr is the fact that he was her first love. This is a recurring theme throughout the movie, and appears from the start, when Maverick makes his young children recite the Ten-Point Program from the Black Panther Party. The Hate U Give follows sixteen-year-old Starr Carter after she witnesses the killing of Khalil Harris, her unarmed black friend, by a white police officer. They do their best to keep her safe and take care of her, but her parents forgive and respect her when she strikes out on her own and tries to establish her independence. Why is Uncle Carlos home in the middle of the night of a work day when Maverick brings Devante to hide out at Uncle Carlos' house in Riverton Hills? The main themes in The Hate U Give are racism and justice, activism, and identity. He tells them study it like it is the black version of the Bill of Rights. Starr learns to trust her own voice, and her ability to speak up against oppressive powers. She speaks on television and testifies in front of the grand jury. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. When Khalil is wrongfully shot to death by a white officer, the film delves deeper into an exploration of the injustice black individuals suffer at the hands of ignorant and trigger-happy white officers. The Question and Answer section for The Hate U Give (2018 film) is a great She holds back—until one day, she decides that she has an obligation to speak up. Starr is hesitant about speaking up about Khalil's death, worried about the attention that it will bring her, including possible repercussions from the vengeful King Lord. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Themes and Colors. The film gives the viewer a window into this injustice, and shows the way that police brutality gets mishandled by the media and the law. The film shows how this social inequality affects people differently. The Hate U Give depicts gangs, drugs, and violence as largely the result of lack of opportunity. The constant switching between these two personas results in immense confusion for Starr, who feels that she does not fit in in either environment. what are some of the techniques used within the film? There is a warmth and affection between the two of them that makes Khalil's murder all the more shocking and horrible. Sorry, I have not seen the film version of the book. The police force depicted in the film is a violent, proto-fascist, and unsympathetic institution. The film examines one family's attempts at breaking the cycle of this hate, and finding a way to protest and fight injustice in ways that are self-affirming and loving. GradeSaver, “Look, I’m on leave,” says Uncle Carlos. Starr joins the front lines of the protest, and even makes an impassioned speech into a megaphone about her experience as the witness to Khalil's death, and her commitment to preserving his memory. Though this specific moment of police brutality spurs the action of the novel, author Angie Thomas also presents … One of Starr's main struggles is her sense that she is living a double life. Starr exists in the middle between this divide, forced to adopt two selves in order to fit in. This quote alludes to the fact that the hate black youth experience from white society only creates a cycle of hate, which is the structural motor for why black Americans get caught up in systems of violence and crime. The imagery of Williamson, the prep school Starr attends, and Garden Heights, the neighborhood where she lives, reveals a stark division between the rich and poor, between black and white communities. Additionally, Starr loves and is loved by Chris, a white student at her school who doesn't know about her life in Garden Heights. The true test of her desire to speak up, however, comes after the jury fails to indict the white officer, and the community of Garden Heights starts protesting. For instance, for the white students at Williamson, a protest is a good excuse to skip class, but for Starr, it is the only thing that makes her feel empowered to seek justice in the wake of her friend's murder. The deck is stacked against many residents of Garden Heights, who may turn to gangs and drug dealing as their only means of supporting their loved ones and protecting themselves. Starr’s identity is heavily informed by her race, and Khalil's death is due in part to entrenched racism in the police force. Uncle Carlos is home because he is on leave. On the one hand, she is a girl who grew up in a rough black neighborhood and has seen two of her friends get shot. Over the course of the film, she learns that the only way to feel better about herself is to be more honest about her identity and integrate these two sides of herself. Starr’s father gives his 9-year-old daughter and her brothers a copy of the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program. In the moments before he got pulled over by the cop, Khalil confesses his feelings for Starr and they share a kiss. The title of the movie alludes to this important theme. The title refers to Tupac's anagram for "Thug Life": "The hate you give little infants fucks everybody." Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. They break up a peaceful protest with tear gas and they are quick to pull a gun on black individuals. The one thing that Starr can count on, even when things get complicated and she feels isolated in her community, is her family.

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