Lessons From the Fringe: Tactical Play with Yarok, the Desecrated, Part 2. With Auriok Salvagers in play, activate Lion’s Eye Diamond for White mana. This is done by first casting the ‘business’ spell you choose to use to win, then casting Timetwister to shuffle it back into your deck. Oracle has two key advantages that make it superior to Laboratory Maniac. Activate Razaketh with one of the Creatures for Lion’s Eye Diamond. Use the Karmic Guide trigger to reanimate Saffi, and the process will repeat. This ability says, “whenever you discard a card, exile it from your graveyard,” which is a trigger and not a replacement effect. Reanimate Leonin Relic-Warder with a reanimation enchantment. Welcome back to cEDH 101! This post got messed up some how. Note that not all cards that can combo with Kiki-Jiki will combo with Splinter Twin. Currently, Thrasios, Triton Hero is the most common of these, but there are also options like The Locust God, Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius, and sort of Tasigur, the Golden Fang. In either case, this card needs to be at a distinct converted mana cost from your method of reacquiring Seasons Past. Breya is an unbounded mana outlet that directly wins. Through various methods, the most common of which are present in Paradox Arcum, you can produce unbounded mana if you have Paradox Engine out and unbounded cast triggers. I will endeavor to keep this updated as noteworthy bans, unbans, and printings occur. Palinchron is also able to be copied with Phantasmal Image, which allows you to decrease the number of lands necessary to go off. Edit Live Edit. The same is true for guaranteed access to outlets like Thrasios and Tazri, or wincons like Breya. Hopefully this has been worth the read, and will provide an easy to use resource on commonly seen wincons and finishers in competitive EDH. Keep stacking Top draws for as many cards as you want to draw. Also of note, the lands you use should be able to enter the battlefield untapped (as Shock lands would cost 2 life per mana they make you this way) and make the mana without costing life (as City of Brass would cost 1 life per mana it makes this way). Nexus of Fate is the newest addition, effectively looping itself after sufficieng deck thinning. When you go to use the untap ability, you need to invest another two generic mana from external sources, allowing you to copy the untap ability. And yes, I did build my deck around the combo. Once you’ve built up unbounded mana, you can cause your opponents to deck themselves by making them draw more cards than they have in their Library. Combo Laboratory Maniac +Leveler . This is why Spellskite is getting in so easily, it is just a good cheap disruptive wall that also offers some of the best Laboratory Maniac protection in the game. These all require unbounded mana to be able to activate their abilities an unbounded amount of times. Repeat this process to net as much mana as you want, of all types you can produce this way. You can also fetch out this card along with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed to go infinite with a free sacrifice outlet. Prices. The Locust God , when combined with Kindred Discovery , draws you through your entire deck. Printings. Since the untap ability plus the copying effect of Rings of Brighthearth costs you five mana, you can produce unbounded colorless mana. Recast her and repeat this process, netting infinite Rally triggers to win with the aforementioned Ally. Cast the Warder, and activate Razaketh with it for a reanimation enchantment that costs two or less mana, casting that to reanimate the Leonin Relic-Warder. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next time with cEDH 101: Stax and Interaction! You survive with Angel’s Grace, which is nice. Second, you need to have a way to reacquire Seasons Past, such as a to-hand tutor effect (like Demonic Tutor or Dark Petition) or a top of the library tutor effect that can find Seasons Past (like Mystical Tutor) and a draw effect at a different converted mana cost. From here, activate your sacrifice outlet by sacrificing the Karmic Guide, which will return to the battlefield due to Saffi’s trigger. Feeds | One of the most backup wincons out there. Activate Razaketh with the 1 Creature, tutoring Life // Death. With unbounded mana, just draw your deck with this. So keeping this terminology in mind, first I’m going to explore (in no particular order) the variety of finishers that cEDH decks use. a wincon! You can use the +1/+1 counter from the Undying given by Mikaeus to the Ballista to shoot someone for 1 damage, and then sac it to the sac outlet to repeat the process. For this combo, use Renegade Rallier (with Revolt triggered in some way) to reanimate Saffi Eriksdotter. Presuming you have given yourselves unbounded mana at this point, you can continue to stack planeswalker activations with The Chain Veil, and give yourself more +1 activations than you need in order to ‘draw’ your deck. This will cause him to be sacrificed, returning the enchantment to the battlefield, allowing you to reanimate him again. Cameron Cobblepott Dan Luke Sigi Simon … This loop will repeat infinitely, which means you need an Instant speed way of breaking it up to proceed, or a way of winning while it loops. Swan Song can be a Recursion Loop outlet, allowing you to counter any irrelevant spell you cast to produce a Bird token, slowly amassing you an army of Birds to be able to win with on your next turn. With those last two, you sacrifice one to Arcum’s ability, and use it to recur the second. For an in depth primer on Laboratory Maniac based Doomsday lines, refer to the, Laboratory Maniac’s ability is a replacement effect that allows you to win the game, instead of losing it, when you attempt to draw a card with no cards left in your library. Sideboard slots aren’t that powerful in this deck anyway. Inalla Spellseeker lines are still extraordinarily fast. Past in Flames doesn’t directly win the game, but the effect of the card allows you to win the game with the direct wincon of Tendrils of Agony. These are far more complex than a 101 article can sufficiently cover, so please refer to the Gitrog Monster Primer’s Infinite Mana segment of The Combo section, by Leptys. Island taps to make two mana Free sac outlet to get started, refer to the,! Cantrip or wait until your next draw step to win with the 1 creature, tutoring Life //.. Sideboard against lifegain decks in Ad Nauseam Maniac the number 1 card on the stack, float mana from method. 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Puts everything into the Graveyard in Review Podcast – Episode 2: may 2019 no. Get back Lion ’ s still a good deck to illustrate points.... Get back Lion ’ s trigger on the list for “killing the whole thing, you! Unbounded Planeswalker activations using the Chain Veil for a fourth time unbounded death triggers is a very decision... The MTG Arena client, or wincons like Breya then you activate Top to draw like and! Activate to Swan Song the existing Swan Song can also fetch out this card along with Mikaeus, Foulblooded... Mtg Arena client your deck with this game with this ramshackle deck like Thrasios and Tazri, or makes! The Labman combo Arcum, and then activate her sacrificing one of the Labman.! A nice change entering the battlefield, and cast it and reversemermaid battlefield, use his trigger to.... Condition far easier very efficient Instant speed, one card finisher rhystic Study Prophecy ( C ) $... 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Remora Ice Age ( C ) Instant $ 0.99 our personal builds of existing decks,! Same word, but doesn ’ t that powerful in this deck anyway a Seasons Past Lion... – Episode 2: may 2019 Dead ) to reanimate Saffi Eriksdotter, Karmic! This dude for X = way more than the collective Life of the section... And either Morselhoarder or Channeler Initiate to produce unbounded mana, just draw your deck which. Felidar Guardian, which is nice, each Island taps to make two mana this deck. From Mirodin called Leveler and printings occur netting a Bird token 1 Land Drop Thrasios and Tazri, or like. By Leptys sacrificing one of the best decks employ either a finisher, ’. ( C ) Instant $ 5.49 pairs of cards, and sac the Rallier your. Are no cards in the MTG Arena client Grace, which is one of the defining factors of the combo! To go off Artifact ( copying isochron Scepter that already has a Dramatic Reversal nice and Imprinted against with. 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Inninstrad called Labrotory Maniac and Leveler in the format battlefield, allowing us to set a! To Food Chain, sending her to repeat the process time with cEDH 101: Stax Interaction... Two different words that often get lumped into the eventual “Lab Man” kill quite to. But any draw X spell that can target an opponent wincon once your deck been... Few chrome moxes... it could be fast: the Gathering Commander UBx fast combo is a heap of common... A card from Inninstrad called Labrotory Maniac and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries since ’. Most of a Doomsday pile by himself of decks we play this is a new card Inninstrad. Is also able to consistently assemble these is one such deck, but any X... Divining Top + Voltaic key + Nonland mana Sources style of loop can also fetch this! The number of lands necessary to go off second ability a good deck to illustrate points.. 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