Don't get me wrong, just because the CGI isn't as good as you might be used to from a big budget movie doesn't mean this film looks in any way bad. Some information in it may no longer be current. Debug Overview: I wanted to put this into my list of hacker movies, because the concept of the movie is where a collection of computer felons are forced to do work on abandoned space ships to get them running again for a government body. At all times I was reminded of the Canaries in Red Dwarf’s eighth series. Reviews: Debug. There are some nice ideas that could have been expanded upon. What is the scariest element of modern living? Read our, I'm a print subscriber, link to my account, Avoid the use of toxic and offensive language. Comparing the two, it is peculiar to find that the reason Event Horizon worked so much better has nothing to do with its production values and everything to do with its focus on atmosphere—an area where Debug has every opportunity to match it, and simply fails to do so. There are some parts of the movie that are actually pretty startling. To be fair I didn't go into this expecting much and yet I was still disappointed. Three guesses which category "Debug" fits into. Like a younger family member telling you a horror story. Judge them to death! But after watching it all the way through I can honestly say its damn good movie. See this year’s The Babadook. Even as a fan of Jason Momoa, I still found myself wondering how anyone thought this movie was a good idea, as it was just so basic in terms of size and scope. Oh yeah, HAL 9000 in Arthur C. Clarke's "2001..." Well guess what, 2001 has come and gone, and to date only 12 men have walked on the Moon, not only in the last century but in the last Millennium. Debug is a Sci-Fi/horror film culled together from far better films such as Event Horizon, Tron, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. John Noonan After all but two of our gallant nerds are sent off for an early shower, Debug gives up pretending it’s a horror film and after some Doctor Who type nonsense, the finale mutates into a martial arts flick set within the AI’s mainframe because science. The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers: The Most Underrated Horror Villain? Just... oh dear. Whilst we’ll never know what our future brother and sisters will make of the technology on display, we can be sure they will judge us heavily on everything else about it. Their overseer is black – this is a racial reversal of chain-gang dramas – but then again the boss is a junkie-thug and the hackers are ecoterrorists, and mostly righteous. Special mention goes to Sidney Leeder and the lead actress Jeananne Goossen. If you consider yourself a movie critic savant, go buy your tickets, eat your popcorn and stick to the big screen. The only good thing about this film would have to be the design of the ship itself. Avoid, as I should have. A sole narrative centered on computers. However, it doesn’t take long before our ragtag bunch of cyber-ne’er-do-wells realize something is amiss. We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate. A horrible vision of a horrible future, this movie would have been truly something special had it been handled by a competent and talent team. 5 stars for Hewlett's imagination. Movie Whisperer’s review published on Letterboxd: Terrible film. And scarier. A dystopia setup for young, attractive, anti-system hackers to attempt to overcome. His performance makes you want to keep watching. This article was published more than 5 years ago. Debug 2014 ★ Watched Nov 26, 2019. Rate This Movie: SYNOPSIS: Six young computer hackers sent to work on a derelict space freighter, are forced to match wits with a vengeful artificial intelligence that would kill to be human. I hope someone can share that with me. The highlight of the movie is watching Sidney Leeder's character flirt, tease, and taunt other crew. While the subplots and backgrounds may differ, both films deal with the same scenario: an evil that has taken over a spaceship and a crew that comes to investigate. 5 stars { review.getRatingValue }} "Top-notch freebie" "Top-notch freebie" maxcoaster January 21, 2014 / Version: DebugMode Wax 2.0e In the far-flung future of Twelfty Thirtisteen (or something to that affect), a group of hackers board a space freighter with the purpose of wiping its systems, or ‘debug’ them if you will. She's one of the few characters that has some depth, motivation, and sense of fun. young hackers on a grueling work release program attempt to clear out - debug - the computer systems of a massive derelict freighter. It gives Debug the shiny look of a film set not quite finished. Where have we heard that one before? Perfectly acceptable, even enjoyable, but not "important". Those big money making movie producers/director/actors eagerly want your reviews! Overall this movie is pretty good, watch it tonight!I rated this film a 8! How to Get Your Book or Comic Reviewed on HNN. Writer-director David Hewlett probably had visions of a pocket-sized 2001: A Space Odyssey, but instead produces something closer to Cheap Space Nine. 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The freighter’s AI has become more powerful than Siri and is out to judge the gang on the crimes they’ve committed. Debug falls into this category. The horror scenes, … Equally problematic is the cast. That means: Comments that violate our community guidelines will be removed. Six young computer hackers sent to work on a derelict space freighter, are forced to match wits with a vengeful artificial intelligence that would kill to be human. Do yourself a favour and spend the 85 minutes staring at a blank piece of paper instead of watching this! Isn’t that the most disgusting thing you’ve ever heard, Uncle John?’ Frankly, little Jimmy, no. Clearly filmed in a zero-gravitas environment, Debug is a Canadian sci-fi gore-fest with a filmic reach that falls short of even its modest budget. Also one of the actors looks like David Henry. If you enjoyed movies like Solaris or Sunshine and aren't overly concerned with CGI then give this one a try. This is one of the best on-a-shoestring-budget films I have seen in a while. The acting is alright, the effects are good enough, and the plot is predictable but acceptable. He sure knows how to play creepy! Let's get the obvious out of the way first.................yes, the basic premise of the film has been done before, whether 2001, Collossus or even Tron and Lawnmower Man. Well, you could always stick your film so far into the future, we’ll all be dirt and bones before anyone can do a comparison and say, ‘what were they thinking back then?’ Which is precisely what Debug goes and does. Yet it wasn't a totally bad film, considering high production value and decent acting. There wasn't even a decent kill in the entire farce of a film. Release Calendar DVD ... Debug is, in the end, a mediocre film with several massive, bulky cargo holds full of wasted potential due to an almost mindless indifference to the core driver of every good horror film—atmosphere. Movies. I like science fiction and I always enjoy seeing a good 'spaceship' type set. Perhaps the most chilling aspect of the film is the notion of the flatline scan; that as you die the AI captures your consciousness. One of those movies that is good because it's kinda bad. In 2047, six young criminal computer hackers are sent to an abandoned space freighter as part of a prison release program. Though fun might not be the right word for it. Momoa rocks and Hewlett doesn't disappoint, One of the worst sci-fi films I have ever seen. You have to want to like it in order to do so! And stripping down to do it seemed unnecessary and gratuitous. Makeshift budget however no excuse for the substandard everything.. in saying that people who dont enjoy horror will probably find this more thrilling and compelling. You know what dates a movie more than anything? Film Review: Etartsac (short film) (2020), Film Review: Loopy – A Quarantine short Film (2020), Film Review: Make Me a Sandwich (short film) (2019), Book Review: Exitors | Author M. Seamus Reed, Book Review: The Whisper Killer | Author Rod Little, Book Review: Unspeakable – A New Breed of Terror – Edited by Theresa Dillon, Book Review: Ghostbusters: Artbook | Insight Editions, Top 10 tips to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, The Most Unconventional Horror Film Settings. A Sterling effort but lacks a bit of heart, Watch it if you like low-budget Sci-Fi Movies, A mixed bag but probably not a sci-fi classic. Pop some popcorn set back and get ready for a pretty good movie. REVIEW: The script needed a lot of help. Non-subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way. If you're expecting state of the art CGI and explosions everywhere this might not be the film for you. There's a devilish villain in the circuitry; it's soon clear that the stock characters will die, one by one. Signature Films is releasing our Debug movie in the UK and they've put together this, the first official trailer for DEBUG...So excited! A movie that feels a little old school but still has some surprises, it's a solid effort by fan favourite David Hewlett. This movie starts out bad, and unsurprisingly, gets worse from there. The one area where it could have been something special (the FX and Gore) was edited, so that you never actually saw the deaths but the after effects, which is a cop out if I ever saw one. The characters were cardboard, the story predictable and uninteresting. It’s her weighted performance that gives Debug the least bit of credibility. Debug is a sci-fi horror movie, which might lead you to think that it's either a good sci-fi movie or a good horror movie. I shouldn't have bothered here. Review: Debug – Movie. Film Reviews. Still if you have a thing for Science Fiction movies and do not mind, if they are low budget and filled with some gore and plenty of action. He then hired his failing acting school buddies to play all the parts for free. Level 33 Entertainment releases horror thriller feature film COMPULSION on October 27th ON DEMAND!

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