At the end of the day, Haley eventually dumps Ethan, Ethan leaves with someone he ran into, and Haley and Dylan get back together. Full Name Haley and Dylan move into an apartment but when they find out they're having twins, they move back in with the Dunphys. She is usually seen well dressed with nice makeup and perfect hair. Marshall (by her boss, the people and the family is introduced) She tells Alex that there is something about Andy and Alex says he is just like dad, which then grosses Haley out. Haley says, “No, no! Haley calls him a "perv" and Andy tries to get the beer out of Haley's hand, which causes her to drop it. Haley says she feels like everyone in the world is moving forward and they are moving backward. Andy warns Haley he is going to call Mr. and Mrs. P to tell them where the two missing beers went. Gender Andy also tells her that he got his one last crazy adventure before getting married. Later that day, Andy and Haley are at the airport so Andy can make his flight to Utah. Andy lets out a long breath he had been holding as Haley exits the house. Phil and Haley tell Andy to take the job so he does. He is planning to go to Utah to visit Beth. It's not just towards Alex. It's hard to bond when you have nothing in common, and this is sadly the case for these two influencers. Haley replies that she knows he can’t keep up, but that she’d rather slow down. Haley has worked multiple jobs since the series began and currently works as a style editor for the wacky internet lifestyle brand Nerp Phil pushes open the door to the room as Haley and Andy are putting their pants back on. Still-in-bed-by-11:00 Andy. When Andy joins Haley in the car, he exclaims, “I knew it!” because his seat has been slid back by the valet. Also Known As Alex doesn't make an attempt to understand why Haley cares so much about her appearance or regards it as her whole worth, and Haley is too busy making fun of Alex's studious nature to understand how she wants to get far in life. American Skyper Beth is visiting Andy and she is acting passive-aggressive towards Haley because she seems jealous of Haley's relationship with Andy. He rushes off after running into them, and Haley realizes that she still likes Dylan. They attend a carnival ("Closet? Cam throws his phone to Claire who puts it on speakerphone for Haley and the whole family to hear the message. Alex warns Haley that she better know what she is doing. He came over right away due to how paranoid he says he can be. She tells Alex she is going to invite Andy to hang out at the wedding. Alex confronts Haley about her feelings for Andy, which Haley denies. Andy tells Evan he still doesn’t want the job. In "The Wedding (Part 2)," Haley can't stop checking her phone due to concern about Andy. However, Haley reveals to her mom that she was going to say "no" to Dylan's proposal. Haley confides in her dad about how she thinks Beth is after her because Beth thinks Haley is in love with Andy. Claire and Haley had a very close relationship as Haley grew up, but when she became a teenager Claire and Haley grew apart and Haley became like her Mom, which is something that Claire fears, although they did grow apart they prove each time that they still have a very strong loving relationship. Andy says, “Not a single minute” and Haley says, “You really are the first.” They share a goodbye kiss before Andy walks towards the security line. Haley and Andy break their hug and Andy tells Haley's parents that he can finally start to save up and get Beth an engagement ring. Although they have attempted to bond together, it never lasts. Andy says the penguin is just as good. So she tries to make sure that her daughter won't make the mistakes. Claire says that during her pregnancy with Alex, she had a \"pregnancy brain\", implying that the brainy Alex was strongly competing with her for resources (\"When a Tree Falls\"). And isn't that what parents are supposed to be for? Alex may not be the most sensitive person in the world, but Haley is somehow worse at times. There's some wisdom to that. 1 History 2 Appearances 2.1 Season 2 2.2 Season 4 2.3 Season 5 2.4 Season 6 2.5 Season 7 At the end of their senior year, he was co-valedictiorian along with Alex. It is mentioned that Haley was very close to her parents when she was younger, but they grew apart once she hit adolescence ("Chirp"). The card reads: "Dear Haley, I know how eyes work, but I never knew how they sparkled until I met you. You'll Love It!." Andy leaves with Beth to head to the beach where he is planning to propose to her that day. Claire is Haley's Mom, Claire makes sure that her daughter does not, in her words, "wake up on a beach in Florida half-naked". Andy tells her that Beth does this from time to time because she just likes the drama. He is apparently an ex-con who works at a florist shop. As they say goodbye to each other at the airport, Andy tells Haley he doesn't regret a single minute he spent with her and Haley tells Andy he is the first man she ever loved. Haley closes the front door behind them and stomps off upset and frustrated. Andy says that's what he thought and they say goodbye to each other disappointed. However, this plan goes awry when Claire stops Haley to ask her if she is sure about what she is about to do and whether Andy will be a short-term thing or a long-term relationship. Whenever Haley doesn't understand a larger word Alex has used, she's impatient, and her jokes about what she perceives to be Haley's stupidity go over Haley's head. With tears in her eyes, Haley says it doesn't matter anyway because he's in love with someone else. Later that afternoon, Andy and Haley are waiting for the valet to drive Andy’s car back to them. When the faucet gets stuck, Andy tries to help Haley with it, but they end up accidentally falling into the bathtub together. Haley and Andy decide to do a long-distance relationship. She yells at him that she would rather wait for someone who would walk through a blizzard for her and who only honks to support the troops. Her style evolves from a fashionable teen style to a more mature one through the seasons. The next time we see Haley and Andy they are in Vegas playing Roulette. as she had her first drink in the episode Haley's 21st Birthday even if she already involved herself in underage drinking . On Christmas Eve, she and Dylan announce to the family that she's pregnant and they're thrilled, though Claire is slightly afraid since she knows what it's like to be a young mom. After returning to the new wedding venue (Cam and Mitch's house), Haley keeps checking her phone for updates on Andy. The boyfriend seems to be the third wheel, not understanding Haley and Andy's jokes and a shared sense of humor. However, Jay doesn't care because when his kids were small he used to drink beers after they went to sleep. When Haley returns to the coffee shop to talk to Andy. But a few episodes later, she goes off to college only to be kicked out for underage drinking and (accidental) battery of a police officer. Phil advises Andy to propose to Beth if he truly loves her. Phil has tried multiple times to keep Haley's virginity safeguarded although he failed, evidently. Though they decided to race each other to complete their P.E. Although she pretends to shrug them off, Haley is secretly flattered and touched by his sincere compliments. When Clint asks them if they want to get really crazy, Haley blurts out frightened, “People know where I am!” Clint goes all-in on one number. A Moving Day. Andy and Haley agree it was a good thing they never got together and stomp off angrily in opposite directions. It's because Haley doesn't want Alex to realize she was fired, but there's little excuse for being that selfish. Andy says her date's behavior is so rude and that a real man would be more considerate of her time. As they sit in the coffee shop, Haley takes a picture of Andy and Andy compliments her by saying that it is honestly the best picture anyone has ever taken of him. Haley returns to the coffee shop and tells Andy he "deserves better" than Beth. Before Phil can give Andy his advice, they’re interrupted by Alex and later Luke. Andy replies that it’s an old habit; it’s how he used to eat his marshmallows. Haley says that makes sense, but she is visibly disappointed. Later, Andy finds the key to the secret room and Haley says she'll meet him there in two minutes. Female NEXT: 10 Best TV Couples Of The Past Decade, Ranked. After the movie, Haley and Dylan go out for burgers and beers with Andy and Beth. After seeing Dylan as a 'Dapper Dan', Haley ditches Dylan and begins talking to Ethan again, bumping Alex out the way. Haley attends a carnival with him and Andy. Haley waits all day for him to come to pick her up for their lunch date. Andy then grabs a cupcake that he had declined earlier and shoves it into his mouth and grabs a second one as he walks out of the kitchen, eating his feelings. As The Season Progresses She, however, is shown to gradually mature and to take responsibility for her actions and future, taking care of her parents and siblings and unexpectedly revealing moments of wisdom and uncommon prescience ("Queer Eyes, Full Hearts", "Do Not Push"). Lily hears noises coming from the locked room and when she realizes it's not Luke and Manny, she screams. Andy and Haley attend a carnival together with Haley's new boyfriend. Haley uses the money from Andy’s wallet to pay for the valet and then waits in the car. Kiss and Tell Once Haley exits the house, she immediately runs back in to give Andy a passionate kiss, which he willingly reciprocates. So she ditches Ethan, leaving Alex with Ethan, another thing that Claire did not like. Haley tries to prove Andy wrong by planting a kiss on him in the disguise of a hug. as she is involved in underage drinking. He replies that he isn't dressed for it, but, if he was with her, nobody would even notice him. Alex was conceived in a hotel room in Disneyland (\"The Graduates\"). It was first mentioned in ", Haley's iCloud password is Snoopy, her favorite literary character, as suggested by Phil. 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